We aim to be a fishery products marketing company which creates added value.
Core company leading the Marine Products Wholesaling Unit of Maruha Nichiro Group
Daito Gyorui Co., Ltd. was founded in 1947 in Tsukiji Market as a fish wholesaler serving as a base for sales of seafood procured by Taiyo Fishery Co., Ltd., Maruha Nichiro Corporation at present. Since then we have been supporting the largest market in Japan which nourishes about 33 million residents in Tokyo Metropolitan area.
However, we have witnessed significant changes in the environment surrounding the distribution of fishery products these days. On the procurement side, we face problems such as depletion of the marine natural resources, decrease in number of fishermen, decline in international competitiveness in purchase of marine products, and, on the sales side, reducing consumption of fishery food, lagging proportion of business made through the wholesale market, etc. Furthermore, we have to respond to multiple and diversifying consumer needs, while food safety is required to be perfect.
Under such circumstances, we show our commitment to be a fishery products marketing company which creates added value. We continue to grow and fulfill the function of the central wholesale market to ensure stable supply of fishery products through massive collection and smooth distribution, to meet demand of Tokyo Metropolitan area, and to develop and distribute products that satisfy the consumers’ diversified needs.
Waving the flag of our Group philosophy “Maruha Nichiro Group aims to be an essential part of society by improving everyone’s daily life with wholesome, safe and healthy food,” we shall continue our endeavor to carry out every commitment shown herein. We hope to enjoy your continued guidance and support in the future.
Daito Gyorui Co., Ltd
President JUN HARIYA
- Company Name
- Head Office
- 6-6-2 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo
- Branch
Senju Branch / 50 Senju Hashido-cho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo
Ota Branch / 3-2-8 Tokai, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Narita Branch / 80-1 Tnjinmine, Narita-shi, Chiba
- Established
- 1st October, 1947
- Paid-in Capital
- \2,628 million
- Annual Turnover
\92,163 million (Fiscal Year ended 31st March 2020; CONSOLIDATED)
\85,279 million (Fiscal Year ended 31st March 2020; non-consolidated)
- President
- Main Business
(1) Outright purchase & sale and consignment sales of fresh & frozen fish and processed marine products
(2) Import and export of fish and marine products
(3) Business of real estate and parking lot
(4) Business and investments incidental to the above
(Daito group) -
Maruto Reizo Co., Ltd. (Aomori) - Fish processor, cold storage
Tsukiji Fresh Maruto Co., Ltd. (Tokyo) - Fish processor, wholesale, retail
Daito Service Co., Ltd. (Tokyo) - Transportation
- 1947
- Established as an authorized wholesaler in Tsukiji Fish Market, Tokyo with the object of selling, buying and consignment of fish and marine products.
- 1948
- Opened Senju Branch in Adachi-ku, Tokyo.
- 1950
- Obtained the license as a fish and marine products wholesaler designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government under the Central Market Law.
- 1962
- Listed stocks on the Second Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange Market.
- 1996
- Opened Ota Branch in Ota-ku, Tokyo, thus completed Daito's own business network in the major fish markets in the Tokyo Metropolitan area.
- 2004
- Merged the affiliate company Narita Uoichiba Co., Ltd. and opened Narita Branch in Narita, Chiba and expanded the network.
- 2018
- Along with the closure of Central Market in Tsukiji and its renewal opening in Toyosu, the Company moved the head office from Chuo-ku to Koto-ku, Tokyo.
- This department sells the wild and farmed tuna from local fishermen and Australia, Mexico, Europe as well, mainly by auction, 800 to 1,300 pieces a day. We handle fresh & frozen bluefin tuna, southern bluefin tuna, bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna as well as striped marlin and swordfish.
- These departments annualy handle more than 100 species of wild and farmed fish and shellfish in live and fresh such as snapper, horse mackerel and puffer, from Hokkaido to Okinawa and from abroad such as New Zealand, U.S.A., Spain, China and Korea . We have large live fish tanks with filtering and circulation system in the market. We hold the top share in shellfish.
- Frozen Fish Department
- These departments handle all variety of frozen fish and shellfish caught in most of the oceans of the world including Japan. The purchasing is made directly or through trading companies and fishery companies in order to supply products to the domestic manufacturers of processed foods. We also develop and import our original products produced by the allied factories abroad. We have the top share of the frozen octopus and cuttlefish in Japan.
- These departments handle Japanese traditional products such as salt-dried butterflied alfowsino, butterfish and horse mackerel as well as salted pollack and herring roe and dried whitebait and sardine. Dried squid and capelin as well are important items. We also handle Surimi products such as kamaboko, chikuwa and satsumaage produced by domestic manufacturers and the frozen processed products like smoked salmon and grilled eel.
- Sales Planning Department
- Sales Planning is the one of the latest and characteristic functions delived from the Fresh Fish Department. This team has been established to respond to the wide needs of the customers such as supermarket chains, large fish merchants and food services.
- International Trade and Marketing Department
- This department imports products from the customers all over the world, about a half of which are fresh and live fish and some by air. One of the major objectives of the department is to develop new items and suppliers abroad. The others are development of local products, marketing analysis and promotion in Japan.